Extena product catalog 2022 / 2023 EN

PAS 1075 13 Nordic Poly Mark Nordic Poly Mark is a Nordic quality mark for plastic pipe products. This quality stamp has been developed jointly by the Nordic countries in order to maintain a high level of quality plastic pipe products for the Nordic market. Extena’s PE100 RC pipes meet all the requirements for Nordic Poly Mark by a very good margin. However, we believe that the present requirements of Nordic Poly Mark are too low with regards to RC material and slow crack growth (SCG). PAS 1075 As EN 12201 and EN 1555 still lack specific higher requirements for pipes and fittings made of PE100 RC, manufacturers have instead tested materials and finished products according to PAS 1075. This is a requirement standard developed under the auspices of the German standards institute DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung) for polyethylene pressure pipes in PE100 RC. PAS 1075 places significantly higher demands on slow crack growth (SCG) than the current EN 12201 and EN 1555 and has a basic requirement that the raw material must have a service life of at least 100 years. The raw material used for Extena’s PE100 RC pipes is tested and approved according to PAS 1075. The current EN standard is currently being updated. This will allegedly contain higher requirements for PE100 RC. All Extena’s sheathed pipes meet the requirements of PAS 1075 Type 3 (pipes with a higher strength sheath). KIWA Kiwa is one of the world’s 20 largest companies specializing in inspection, testing and certification. Kiwa provides a variety of services such as technical consultation and training. Kiwa was founded in 1948 in the Netherlands but over the years has grown to become a leader in its field. In 2008, Kiwa acquired the Swedish SWEDCERT and thereby expanded into the Swedish market. Kiwa currently employs more than 4,500 people in over 40 countries, mainly in Europe, Asia and South America. DK-VAND DK-VAND is a product certification system, which ensures that certified products meet the strict requirements of the Danish Ministry of Environment and Food’s regulations and additional requirements for drinking water pipes. Pipes used for the distribution of drinking water must not contain substances in concentrations which may be harmful. FI The FI certification ensures that the product has been tested and approved by a third party and shows that the pipes meet the requirements of the Finnish Ministry of the Environment for use in drinking water pipe systems. TÜV Founded 150 years ago, the Germany-based TÜV (Technischer Überwachungsverein) is one of the world’s leading providers of independent tests, inspections and certifications. TÜV tests and certifies technical systems and products such as pressure pipe systems according to European and international standards. Germany is currently at the forefront in terms of both technical product requirements and hygiene requirements for the protection of people and the environment. DVGW DVGW is a reputable German standardization body active in the gas and water industries. Since the mid 19th century, DVGW has been working to ensure the highest possible quality and safety in the transport and supply of water and gas to the general public. Inspection certificate 3.1 according to EN 10204 EN 10204 is a European standard that regulates the design of Inspection certificate 3.1. By issuing an Inspection Certificate 3.1 according to EN 10204, we certify that the product we are supplying meets the customer’s requirements. Pipes and pipe fittings from the same batch for full traceability Our pipes and customized pipe fittings are available from the same batch and are supplied with 3.1 certificates. Introduction

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