Extena product catalog 2022 / 2023 EN

9 Druckklassengerecht Konstruiert f. spez. Anwendungsfall Abrasion resistant Chem. resistant Protect. from static charg. 9 9 Abrasion resistant Chem. resistant Protect. from static charg. Temperatureresistant. 7 8 9 efenig High Pressure Clo e tLining efenig High Pressure Close tLining Werksgeprüfte Qualität Wurzelfeste Verbindung Schacht zu Schacht Druckklassengerecht Konstruiert f. spez. Anwendungsfall 7 8 Werksgeprüfte Qualität Wurzelfeste Verbindung Schacht zu Schacht fen- Close tLining Kamerabefahrung 2-Lippendichtung High Pres ure Abrasion resistant Chem. resistant Protect. from static charg. 7 8 9 9 Abrasion resistant Chem. resistant Protect. from static charg. Temperatureresistant. 23 Pipes for blasting/lining Blast hole liner pipe Marking posts With or without end plugs page 76-77 Marking posts/Snow posts page 78-79 For marking Pipes for high temperatures egeTherm® High-T for high temperatures egeStatic® prevents static charging With PE-RT inner layer Avail ble with a UV resistant outer layer page 68-71 With internal PE-EL layer Also available with PE-EL outer layer page 72-75 Resistant to high emperatures Anti-static pipes For protection against static electricity Contents

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