Extena product catalog 2022 / 2023 EN

31 Pipe with protective sheath SLM® DCT Standard pipe made of PE100 RC fitted with a protective PEplus sheath and built-in function test. SLM® DCT is basically the same pipe as the SLM® 3.0 with a high strength sheath and made of PE100 RC, but SLM® DCT is also fitted with conductive aluminium strips between the pipe itself and the protective sheath. A pipe can usually be checked via internal filming, but the integrated conductive strips also allow you to check that the pipe has not suffered any external damage in connection with installation. The design also allows permanent monitoring and detection of the installed pipe system. SLM® DCT is designed to be used primarily in alternative installation methods such as directional drilling or pipe splitting. The pipe must be stripped both when butt welding and when using an arc welding sleeve. SLM® DCS with function check Damage to water pipes is a problem for most pipeline owners and involves high repair costs. This type of damage also poses problems for individuals or companies who may lose their access to clean water. And there are additional costs caused by the loss of drinking water, which can increase significantly over time. In order to quickly locate damage to a critical pipeline at an early stage and thereby minimise troubleshooting time, Extena is now launching Pressure Pipe SLM® DCS. This pipe gives you full control and automatically alerts you to any damage to a pipeline, with up to one metre accuracy. You can choose between continuous online damage control or performing a control at predetermined intervals. ”Online” function monitoring Pressure Pipe SLM® DCS from Extena consists of a standard pipe made of PE100 RC equipped with conductive strips for the rapid detection of possible leaks. The pipe also has a high strength sheath for extra protection. This sheath has a thickness of 1–5 mm depending on pipe dimension. Compared to traditional PE material, the raw material PE 100 RC has about 17 times higher requirements for slow crack growth. A monitoring device connected to the pipe issues an alarm even in the event of very minor pipe damage. The messages are then sent directly to the control centre or a mobile phone. The system can automatically shut down and reconnect any connected pump systems, thereby preventing water loss at an early stage. SLM® DCT and DCS with conductive strips and a high strength PEplus sheath.

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