Extena product catalog 2022 / 2023 EN

44 3L® Leak Control 3L® Leak Control with “online” function check Permeation resistant pipe system made of PE100 RC for the protection of e.g. drinking water (media) or the environment. Fitted with a high strength PEplus sheath. A permanently monitored pipe system that detects and reports possible damage in real time. Product benefits Approvals/Certificates Pipelaying method Traditional pipelaying in trenches and adapted for pipes made of PE100 RC. • Pipe system made of PE100 RC for a safer service life and more efficient pipelaying. • The pipe is equipped with a conductive layer of aluminium for permanent “online” pipeline monitoring and accurate leak detection. • 3L Leak Control is a complete system for monitoring a pipe system “online”. • High strength PEplus sheath corresponding to e.g. 25% of the pipe’s wall thickness at dimension 250 mm/SDR17. • A pipe system suitable for use in environments where full “online” control of possible pipe damage is required. • Safe welding connections according to DVS 2207. •Minimal ovality for safe jointing. • Complete range of pipe fittings. A complete system for permanent “online” function check. Permeation resistant pipe with a high strength PEplus sheath corresponding to e.g. 25% of the pipe’s wall thickness at dimension 250 mm/SDR17. Detects and reports damage directly to the control centre or a mobile phone. Permeation resistant and conductive layer for permanent “online” function check. Permeation resistant pipe made of PE100 RC with a high strength PEplus sheath and permanent function check. Dimension according to standard. Also suitable for alternative installation methods. Permanent function check that reports possible damage. Permeation resistant pipe system to protect both media and the environment. High strength PEplus sheath. Function check after installation.

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