Extena product catalog 2022 / 2023 EN

ß ohrs Typ2 PAS1075 Dimension according to standard. 58 egeFuse egeFuse 2.0 gravity pipeline SN16 for surface and waste water Gravity pipes made of PE100. Pipe system with extra high ring stiffness (SN16 instead of SN8) and welded joints using pre-assembled arc welding sleeves. Dim ø 280-630 mm Product benefits Pipelaying method • Surface and waste water pipes for gravity pipes made of PE100. • Intended for high water pressure or pipelaying where heavy loads are present, such as timber lorries and heavy trucks. •Welded joints with arc welding sleeves. •No risk of root penetration which can cause leaks. • Same outside diameter as traditional pressure pipes. • egeFuse 2.0 offers safer gravity pipelines for surface and waste water. • White interior facilitates inspection such as filming. Since egeFuse 2.0 is equipped with arc welding sleeves, it provides a pipe system with extra safe joints. Ring stiffness SN16. The pipe has the same outside diameter as pressure pipes made of polyethylene, which means that traditional arc welding parts can also be used. Easy connection to ground sewers via adapter couplings. Gravity pipe SN16 made of PE100 Traditional pipelaying in trenches. Suitable for pipelaying under heavy traffic or soil loads. Suitable for pipelaying where there is a risk of root penetration. Suitable for pipelaying where there is a risk of high water pressure or unstable soils. Stiffness class SN16

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