Stibo Complete is at the forefront of the fight for the environment As a foundation-owned company, we have obligations not only to ourselves, but also in particular to our employees, our customers, the world around us and our environment. We care about the footprint we leave on our surroundings, which is why we are leading the fight to care for the environment. Stibo Complete is the Nordic region’s largest printing company, and we are aware of the responsibility this entails. We have been around for more than 225 years, and would like to stay around for at least as long again. And so must our planet. This leaflet gives you an overview of Stibo Complete’s principles, initiatives and examples of our actions in the focus areas: human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption. We have been working with all these areas for a number of years, and we intend to continue working with more initiatives that will benefit our customers, employees and other stakeholders. Søren Henriksen CEO Stibo Complete Contents 3 Foreword 4 Environment, quality and ESG 6 Quality and environmental strategy 8 Graphic CSR Code 10 UN Global Goals 14 Complete Care 16 Environmental certifications 22 Working environment
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